Home » Hair Color » Half And Half Hair: 30 Split Dyed Hair Ideas

Half And Half Hair: 30 Split Dyed Hair Ideas

Written By: Yesim Cetiner


Are you ready to change the way your hair looks? However, if you’re undecided about making a change, we have a great suggestion for you: a half-and-half hairdo.

What is the half-and-half hairstyle?

It is the technique of dyeing your hair with two different hues by splitting it in half with the colors of your choice, either harmonic or contrasting.
Although this hairstyle is one of our faves because of its attention-getting and uniqueness, matching make-up might be tough. Nonetheless, the amazing stance and the fact that it’s entirely to your taste makes the task worthwhile!

Which hairstyles are most suitable for half and half hair coloring?

Models that will highlight the hair that is divided into two, which is the characteristic feature of this coloring, should be chosen. Space buns, pigtails, bunches, and open hair parted in themiddle will all give a more stunning style.
There are 30 distinct half and half hairstyle examples on the list we created for you, each more gorgeous and unique than the other.

Pastel Rainbow Split

It can be tough to select between pastel colors because they are all so beautiful. By combining these stunning tones with a half-and-half hairstyle, you will all draw attention to yourself.

Fire And Dark

You can develop a style that will not be easily forgotten by those who see it by blending the femininity of fire red with the attractiveness of dark hair in one hair.

Green & Natural

Original hair coupled with green, the symbol of naturalness, will be a great choice for women who adore naturalness.

Split Pixie

Pixie hair is a daring hairdo that requires confidence and expresses beauty. You may create the perfect duo by combining this daring haircut with a unique coloring method.

Blonde or Brunette?

Blonde or brunette? This is one of the most common dilemmas that most women face while making a hair color decision. We have a fresh deal for you; why not both?

Split Bangs

Half and half coloring procedure you’ll use simply on your bangs will highlight your beauty by focusing attention on your face.

Clouds And Forrest

Gorgeous gray and green tones creates a fairy-tale look, reminiscent of cloud and forest.

Masculine Cuts

Masculine cut pixie is the perfect point for meeting striking colors. Top of the hair left long for coloring process, this is the style that captivating for pixie cuts.

A Little Split

One of the most successful modern hair coloring treatments is the extra coloring process, which is done on a properly divided section of the hair as a half and half coloring.

Split Green Ombre

Professional stylist help is a must for this perfect hairstyle. Although it takes longer to produce compared to the standard half and half coloring process; The result is worth all the processing time.

Cruella Bangs

The half and half coloring process for the thick and long bangs reflects the trend style of Cruella, which became very popular again, after the movie Cruella.

Violet And Blue

The wonderful combination of romantic colors, when you are undecided, remember that the half and half coloring process offers you a perfect alternative.

Black & Ashy Blonde

Ashy blonde is one of the most preferred tones as it suits every skin color and does not turn orange. Black is one of the most noble of the classic hair colors. If you like these two colors and want to try them, the half and half hairstyle is the right choice for you.

Pink Split

Since we were little kids, pink has been one of our favorite colors. Pink hair is a color that almost every female fantasizes of, and it is especially popular among anime fans. What’s stopping you from giving it a shot? Here’s an excellent example.


An amazing combination of sunset colors. It offers a warm-toned hair color with vivid yellow and fiery red, making it a fantastic color choice for women with cool undertones.

Cotton Candy

Cotton candy colors are among the most adorable. This hair color complements both the vintage style and the romantic style perfectly. Also half-and-half coloring adds a contemporary twist.

Long & Classic

There are few hairstyles that are more striking than displaying the black and white classic on long hair.

Black And Rose Gold

Rose gold is a hair color tone obtained from the perfect blend of blonde and pink tones. When you match the color, which is perfect on its own, with the nobility of dark hair; the result is astonishing.

Pastel Colors

It will be really difficult to pick when you are lost in the fascinating world of pastel colors. Hair coloring that is half and half is a terrific technique to get rid of this problem quickly.


The hue, which is reminiscent of a glass of fresh lemonade consumed in the heat of summer, offers a vibrant, youthful, and fresh look.

One Sided Rainbow

One side of your hair is a perfectly bright pink and the other side is a rainbow of vibrant colors. This hairstyle is not a dream.

Cute Colors

Sweet tones of purple and pink are two of the most popular colors today. Between two popular colors that it is very difficult to choose, trying both creates a unique style.

Matching Brow

Matching eyebrows make for a wonderful and distinctive look if you want to play around with this lovely but difficult-to-make-up haircut. This is our preferred hairstyle for women who enjoy variety and individuality.

The Cutest

The cutest colors, blonde and soft pink, collide at this hairdo. We understand that making a decision is difficult, and that trying both takes guts. However, after witnessing this example, you will not require any additional courage after seeing this hairstyle.

Triplet Split

The coloring procedure that divides a hair into three sections is for you if you want a more eye-catching appearance. List your favorite colors to your hairstylist; we are confident you will be satisfied with the results.

Blood And Soul

This hairdo, color, and stance, together with the proper accessories, are perfect for


Bubble braids are one of the hairstyles that will show off your hair color in the most flattering way possible, while also revealing your youthful side and adding sweetness to your look.

Frontal Split

Models with bangs are great if you want to split your hair uniquely. By coloring the dense and long-cut bangs differently, you can achieve one of the most dramatic forms of the half and half hair coloring technique.

Colorful Split

In this hairstyle, two different color palettes are combined in the most elegant way. The perfect choice for women seeking perfection.

Pumpkin Spice

One of the hues with warm undertones is pumpkin. The chemistry with blonde is both flawless and fascinating. We recommend that you attempt this hairdo to brighten up your face and give yourself a new look.

If you are looking for a change, this may be the perfect way to achieve it. As far as trends go, half and half hair has proven to be quite versatile. Better still, there is no need to commit to either side of the head being dyed. You can dye an entire chunk of hair half back and forth!

Beauty Expert

Yesim enjoys sharing new style trends with her friends and is excited to offer her knowledge to the readers of HairstyleAndMakeup.com. She currently lives in a peaceful touristic town in the USA with her husband and two children.